Big ideas
Industry agnostic
We are a development shop focused on producing web and app solutions for naggings problems across a variety of industries. We bring ideas to life.
Made in Atlanta
We've been creating software for 20 years. We've worked for the largest tech companies and we've started venture-backed companies. Our specialty is to identify a problem, create a vision and execute by building awesome technology to solve the market's challenges.
Things we've made
Vlipsy: Video Clip Memes
The internet's best resource for video clips for your perfect memes. Search for clips from movies, television, internet culture, sports and more.
Clipbox: Download, save and share videos
Clipbox is the easiest way to clip and manage your favorite video moments.
What's Next?
Do you know an industry inside-out? Have an idea that you know is a winner? Need to build out a team to deliver it? Hit us up.
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